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upper crust gentry non-U gentility plebeian U toff middle class Wasp [or] WASP high bourgeois bourgeois bourgeoisie haut bourgeois upper class upper patrician haute bourgeoisie debutante upper–class middle-class social top society totty green-wellie the upper crust upside uppertendom perquisite upper ten lockjaw Oxbridge country seat white–shoe exclusive shoulder upward wasp ARM bridge lower class bodice aristocracy upstairs topside plummy off-putting high-class family seat Thackeray, William Makepeace
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Sloane Ranger Aldwych-farcical roof lady over Head gentrification low-class silk-stocking gunwale second second class genteel overlip ether family pew eyetooth proletariat third class finishing school green welly brigade come out materialize boudoir elbow brachium humerus senate haunch preppy overshot family house biceps vamp plutocracy supramaxilla topsoil maxilla mandible forecastle county rerebrace bib brim harelip uptown sinciput rhinotheca mustache southern belle chief Brahmin epigastrium hoi polloi round-shouldered cant old school tie lunette ceiling glottis underworld Cristatella haw–haw bulwark fellow eligibility big sister tread underhung sky snob Aga saga philtrum crown malocclusion capital shirt first class asteroid ethereal manubrium undershot knee dorsum on welkin third-rate aerology c among yeomanry crest back thunderhead posh canthus top-hamper rooftop subtonic eye overbite corona aves classic attic imperial class A lipstick theorbo samurai chinless wonder lower-class overhand coat rank assort coach maxillary helmet courtesan quarterdeck teethridge Chekhov, Anton sirloin commonalty a descant vexillum second chamber seine Sloane Received Standard Hooray Henry first-rate skullcap plebs triceps well-born saturation point auricle Jersey lap interdental legislative council eye shadow surface brassard Sancerre limb desktop extrados nucha UP hexapod lag cephalopod amphibian cardia canaille bite caste baronage classmate fox knight brow armlet dicty rah standard bust Crinoidea supermaxilla instep heavyweight valedictorian fraternity be squirearchy conjugation capital ship femur petit bourgeois cestode third-class heterocercal lithosphere humeral nasopharynx labiodental face corselet gaff underslung transverse colon hypochondrium peasantry cephalopoda the petite bourgeoisie chest tongue rhomboideus fingernail region neckline talus labrum commoner House of Lords catlinite underbite cere undershirt Keuper commonality wainscot armband corsage railing come jolly hockey sticks classis upside down elasmobranch myxomycete Allied mobocracy phaenogam pycnogonid first common crustacean IgE pommel clerisy bourgeoise IgG rock-head issuant IgM IgA bhadralok spar deck supramaxillary notaeum nomenklatura cut glass thighbone episternum norian treble substratosphere Low ascidian tip aeronomy holothurian mammal romance oligarchy hydrozoan hierarchy sans-culotte burgher reptilian turbellarian Diplopoda mammalian coronet firstling patter worker topless overskirt supralabial hayloft lower middle class patriciate scalp only halter Brahman cubozoan underclass thigh class name taffrail primo vernacular silverside pentandrous bezel hand-upper u.c. overleather echinoid Babbitt brachial reptile flews actinozoan such call ministry kind bestial hamstring the gentry high bend teddy meniscus moustache nob leet well-to-do proletarian yah economy gel shoulder blade drag waist toenail antitrades acropolis moline beak operculum blade class word whisker Seanad Éireann class number class suit class concept governing class girdle backward caste adaxial dorsal domino labour class occlusion cerebrum rudderhead headwater shank Snow airglow club steak maximum saddlebag dado pileus muffle depressed jumper chinook rave mansard gunnel gambrel roof saddle-shaped horn sister tiptop U. class carriage trade upwards silly ass Tsangpo higher class respectability hierocracy tetrandrous mesocracy beggary petty bourgeoisie in chief braincap scala vestibuli superior slope lagena Rajya Sabha chap hop acrodactylum acropodium Abay typical bathyal zone zenith business cledge recline ptosis upper–cruster chimneyhead overpass window head headwaters the upstairs meteoric non–U aloft howell bitthead crénelé list mantle gag rider millstone peanut gallery cillosis above force culmen bootleg door head gula amphibia receptacle gesithcund byrnie gastropod ejusdem generis e causative blue riband suctorian poetry nemertean supertanker guttersnipe rotifer working-class proprietariat schizomycete equivalent rout pauropod scaphopod the lowest of the low Formula One appendicularian top drawer reception artistdom brachiopodous centric insectan phenformin crustacea adjective joual philistia trihexyphenidyl silicisponge edrioasteroid Euascales sporozoan flavone bristle worm blackguard polygam myzostome sociolect ascomycete Bdelloidea b merostome lace-curtain insect Middle American algal fungus classhood trematode kinorhynch petty bourgeois alga tiptopper demosponge superheavyweight former proconvertin anthozoan literati renitent order batrachia Diatomales stative solar alpha minus orbital arch good choke asthenosphere superior maxilla stuffy the proletariat firmamental talon tun palatal prosthion cap jawbone sinister chief point floorheads dexter chief point business community stovetop pectoral ridge Torricellian vacuum epignathous supraoccipital supercarpal ozone-friendly hypognathous boot-top nasolabial infusoria classical pig-jawed sruti lantern Manasseh sidewall half-length Nilot supracaudal skied class-leader rank badge baby class acephalan one-to-one maxillar have a plum in one's mouth tampion Clydesdale capping plane wind the treetops ride strip to the waist quadriceps razee rack yooper locket yellow ground Karakorum metaconule lower bus top carapace cockloft batter head epilimnion hoggerpipe true rib coronamen sward fever boot top Iquito tetartocone scumble larney buck tooth counterbore perched water table casing loge Namurian anvil clip the circle townhead withers crop head cringle superscribe Iquitos reef flat cope manesheet desert boot turndown jet stream countersink Wenlock runghead auricular Bundesrat undercurrent upper respiratory over-story nether mancheron eye tooth upper case top-sawyer cheekbone visor Jolliet, Louis mystacal angulate breastrail red-shouldered high comedy spat Krasnoyarsk ethmoturbinal header thigh boot rung-head second-class conservative materialistic polyzoa myxinid mode lower working class booby double bassoon most third estate tri/cia fourth-class Middle America club class UL ABC class allonal magnetism coach class Siphoneae coordinate ceorl hidalgo afterwise letter rate Asteroidea ammonia gelatin Cestoda cirriped echiurid Beroida Phytomyxinae Economy 7 dux Grub Street Filicopsida every cyclosilicate lower second line pure-hearted skip J boat Lycopodineae ano- -grader include Hepaticae everything august elite majo pride Rohypnol raven kind representative polyzoon malacostracan helot fibrin fish congener recitation untouchable alprazolam commentariat cloth cap brownstone cabin class diandrous alone Equisetineae coming blackcoat blastoid class-leading legate a latere quintessential parentage peasantize cystoidean subprincipal Chilopoda spidery inanimate agriculture adverb animate amphibious bandura topper Anthocerotes glass-sponge bracket senior optime petite bourgeoisie maja Metacanthocephala Pisces acanthopterygian ruling class tourist sergeant redneck midget salutatorian cyclostome swan–hopper myxospore major-league master cubic reptilia prochlorperazine synapsid choir frequency cystid intellectual elite oligochaete polychaete swelldom acetohexamide argot batchmate cattle class at the top of one's/the class came dioxin blastid Echinoidea Marattiales lower–class osteichthyan gender aristocrat pteridospermous featherweight dead–smooth final Holothuroidea first-class slang reception class ptochogony tip-top super-rich supercivilized Scaphopoda Scyphozoa gymnospermous Cirripedia cordon bleu Bacillariophyta at the bottom of one's/the class arachnoid chondrichthyan book cryptogam ctenophore cylinder crinoid genetics militarism monogenean piece pentazocine powerhouse prole planktont paroxetine telegraph polyplacophoran the bourgeoisie subclass class struggle membership UH friend distributive open light heavyweight middleweight string Sudan enmanche carpus mesosalpinx eyebrow stratopause articulation chemosphere sham pterygoquadrate sphere femoral lip small intestine antrum armpit saddle–backed sit chap postdental mesopause midi clavicle calvaria downhand groin albian ancon interscapular superaurale tibial point sidereal noon capitulum lynx opercle upper hand lower case palpebral alveolar larynx prosethmoid supramarginal fascia endocanthion ectocanthion galoshe vaulted aether cacuminal temple rectosigmoid hairline mesomyodian palea paradise gorget scapula thoracodorsal stigma epicranium saddle-backed waistline chassis pterygoid tubercle sort classification number tourist class ilium hypognatous Appleton layer canopy shelf atrioventricular posterior state senate line of metal palate cl classing group action blue-singlet first–chop classed labouring class headrope ontarian overhang whaleback zechstein gastric cecum dropped shoulder atrium conus water table suspension cheek railhead canton cobalamin crestfallen shoe monokini ninth singlet under Honniasont rand superior mermaid Black Forest rough-tree rail farding-bag senonian aeropause cellulite crown sheet debeak prognathous stress supratemporal trunk cabin tracheotomy wing jam wind sheet Lewes millrind Yadkin brink temporal arch Solimões tween deck deltoid bitewing honour gullet mesophyll saddle–shaped echelon paracone flight deck upper-middle-class trochanter silvertail tumblehome RA

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Words For "the upper class"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the upper class" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the upper class" are: upper crust, gentry, non-U, gentility, and plebeian. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to the upper class listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the upper class" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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